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Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
For the Release of Psycho-Physiological Manifestations of Stress
Questions & Answers
In which order should I listen to the
Music Preparations?
You can choose the or­der of the mu­sic prepa­ra­tions your­self. How­ever, you should make sure that you don’t fa­vour your “fa­vour­ite pieces” ex­ces­sively among the com­po­si­tions. The best ef­fect is achieved if you lis­ten to the mu­sic prepa­ra­tions you have ac­quired roughly the same amount of time.
If, for in­stance, you have cho­sen an ad­vanced pro­gram con­sist­ing of 6 cds, and it is pos­si­ble for you to lis­ten to the mu­sic, let’s say, three times a day, then choose three from the six mu­sic prepa­ra­tions on one day, and lis­ten to the other three the next day.

If, how­ever, you can only lis­ten to the mu­sic once a day, then it is best to lis­ten to a dif­fer­ent mu­sic prepa­ra­tion each day for six days, then start again from the be­gin­ning or choose a dif­fer­ent or­der. Pro­ceed ac­cord­ingly for a ba­sic pro­gram with 3 cds or an in­ten­sive pro­gram with 12 cds.
Do I have to like Medical Resonance Therapy Music® for it to have an effect?
No, the ef­fect of the mu­sic prepa­ra­tions of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® oc­curs ob­jec­tively, in­de­pend­ently of whether you like them, whether you view them neu­trally or whether, as re­gards taste, you rather reject them.
Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® does not serve for en­ter­tain­ment but purely for medi­cal pur­poses, and there­fore, its ac­cep­tance, as re­gards taste, is of sec­on­dary im­por­tance. As with a tablet, it is not the taste but its regu­la­ting ef­fect that is most prominent.
What do I do if I don’t like the
Medical Resonance Therapy Music®?
In gen­eral, the mu­sic prepa­ra­tions are felt to be ap­peal­ing and agreeable. Should this, for once, fail to be the case, then do not give up im­me­di­ately, but con­tinue lis­ten­ing for a few min­utes. As a rule, it is not the mu­sic at all that is felt to be un­pleas­ant, but this is in fact the ten­sion that is dis­pers­ing, and this dis­per­sion can slightly trou­ble you.
When this ten­sion has been neu­tralised, the prob­lems have also usu­ally dis­ap­peared.
Very rarely it might also happen that, as re­gards taste, you even ve­he­mently reject a mu­sic prepa­ra­tion. Then just lis­ten to it un­til it be­comes too un­pleas­ant, and then take a dif­fer­ent one of the 6 prepa­ra­tions that you pre­fer. But keep lis­ten­ing to this “un­pleas­ant” prepa­ra­tion now and again, and you will proba­bly be as­ton­ished af­ter a few days that your aver­sion has dis­ap­peared. It is not that the prepa­ra­tion was par­ticu­larly un­pleas­ant, but the dis­per­sion of a deep ten­sion was par­ticu­larly un­pleas­ant.

In simplified terms, the phe­nome­non can be ex­plained like this: by lis­ten­ing to the mu­sic, you convey har­moni­cal and natu­ral or­der pat­terns to your or­gan­ism which also form the basis of its healthy way of func­tion­ing, in par­ticu­lar, how­ever, its natu­ral own or­der, its re­gen­era­tion – as medi­cal sci­ence was able to dem­on­strate.
If your or­gan­ism’s natu­ral or­der is dis­turbed by stress, over-ex­er­tion or ill­ness, it will in­creas­ingly be­gin to build up its natu­ral or­der un­der the in­flu­ence of the mu­sic. At the same time, with the help of its clearance team – its re­gen­era­tive pow­ers – it re­moves ex­ist­ing ob­sta­cles. And now and again you may feel this in­ten­sive “clear­ing up” to be un­pleas­ant.
But if you don’t clean up, the house can­not be­come clean. There­fore, it is ad­vis­able to quite read­ily ac­cept a slight incon­ven­ience for the sake of health. You your­self will know best when it gets “too much” – then sim­ply stop, and choose a dif­fer­ent one of the mu­sic prepa­ra­tions or take a break, in or­der to start again at a later point.
What do I do when, while listening to the programme “Mother and Child”, the child starts moving
so actively that I feel its movements?
Many moth­ers re­port this stimu­la­tion of the child’s ac­tiv­ity of move­ment in the womb by Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®, and stud­ies in re­cent years have shown that this im­proves the child’s health. So sim­ply con­tinue lis­ten­ing to the mu­sic. Ex­peri­ence shows that, af­ter an ini­tial phase of in­creased ac­tiv­ity, the child will soon calm down.

(For this also please see the pub­li­ca­tion of Prof. Dr. med. Walentina Sidorenko at the In­ter­na­tional Con­gress “The Fetus as a Pa­tient & Fetal Car­di­ol­ogy”)
Medical Music Preparations on CD
RRR 101 Vital Energy
Vital Energy

RRR 102 Harmony

RRR 103 Hormone & Immune System
Disorders of the
Hormone & Immune System

RRR 105 Gynecological Disorders
Gynecological Disorders

RRR 106 Sleep Disordes
Sleep Disorders

RRR 128 Concentration / Memory
Concentration / Memory

RRR 133 Headache / Migraine
Headache / Migraine

RRR 921 Courage to Face Life
Courage to Face Life

RRR 931Relaxation
RRR 932 General Stress Symptoms
General Stress Symptoms

RRR 933 Neurodermatitis / Psoriasis
Neurodermatitis / Psoriasis

RRR 940 Cardiac & Circulatory Disorders
Cardiac &
Circulatory Disorders

RRR 934 Pregnancy & Birth
Pregnancy & Birth

RRR 935 Creativity

RRR 942 Mother & Child
Mother & Child

RRR 943 Pains / Post-operative Pains
Pains / Postoperative Pains

RRR 951 Mental Distress / Fear
Mental Distress / Fear

RRR 941 Neurophysiological & Sensory Disorders
Neurophysiological &
Sensory Disorders

If you like to look at the complete programs,
if you like to listen to the Medical Music Preparations or
if you want to download them,
please click on the CD-covers above.

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scientific research.