peter huebner micro music laboratories |
M E D I C A L R E S O N A N C E T H E R A P Y M U S I C® |
R E D U C T I O N O F P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L M A N I F E S T A T I O N S O F S T R E S S |
Scientific Studies and Clinical Observations – Summary
Health of the Hormone System
- Significant improvement in the hormone status in pregnant women with somatic disorders leading to a significant increase in the well-being of mother and child, compared to only minor improvement in the control group.
- Improvement of the kariopicnotic index (KPI) in risk pregnancies: in the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® group the KPI first fell to 10-12%, after 6 days to 7-8%, after 9 days to 6-8%. In the control group it first fell to 14-17%, after 6 days to 11-13%, after 9 days to 9-10% – so significantly less. The fall in the KPI shows a significant improvement in the course of the pregnancy.
- Faster normalization of excessively high blood pressure (reduction of 15-20 mmHg) in pregnant women with mild gestosis (OPH syndrome) than in the medication group.
- Relief of labor pains through comprehensive dispersion of pain-inducing tension and through the natural harmonization of the pain-suppressant system.
- Stimulation of insufficient beta-endorphin values in patients suffering from severe radiation sickness: hormone production was increasingly stimulated in each musical treatment and during the tenth application of the music the level of this hormone rose by 60% to reach its normal level.
- Improvement of the general mental state in women with a mild gestosis (OPH-syndrome): For 7-10 days 13 women listened to the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® in the morning and after lunch and had no other therapy during these days. In 10 of the 13 women (77%) the treatment with the music caused a clear improvement of the mental state.
- Reducing irritability and improving composure in children with diabetes: In addition to the conventional treatment with diet and insulin preparations the 30 children in this group listened to Medical Resonance Therapy Music® for ten days, each day in the resting hour between 13 and 14 hours using headphones and compact disc. 80% of them experienced in this way a significant reduction of their irritability and showed greater composure.
- Significant reduction in sleep disorders in 81% of a group of female diabetes patients.
- Reducing hormonal manifestations of stress during labor: The treatment with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® resulted in a significant change of the hormonal situation: the beta-endorphin value dropped by 6.05 units and also ACTH showed a tendency to decrease – the hyperproductive hormone system was calmed, hormonal manifestations of stress reduced and a more balanced state established.
- Improvement in the hormone status in pregnant women with somatic disorders: increase in the placentalactogen content from 217.5 nmol/l to 274.9 nmol/l and of the estriol level from 80.0 ƒÊ mol/24 hours to 103.3 ƒÊ mol/24 hours, leading to an improvement in the well-being of the mother and child.
- Improvement in the fetal heart activity in pregnant women with gestosis (OPH syndrome): 14% faster than in the control group: the cardiotocogram showed a normalization of the condition of the fetus in 86% of the studies. After only 6 treatments the number of accelerations and the variability had increased and treatment could be completed after 12 days. In the control group normalization first occurred after 9-10 days and the entire treatment required 14 days.
- Faster breakdown of the protein content in the urine of pregnant women with gestosis (OPH syndrome).
- Improvement of sleep in 77% of the pregnant women with a mild form of gestosis (OPH syndrome). Reducing the frequency of sleep disorders from 86% to 7%. In the control group an increase from 50% to 80%.
- Improvement in the hormone status in risk pregnancies: reduction of the cortisol level by 36% (double compared to that in the control group) coupled with a simultaneous increase in the progesterone level by 100% (almost four times as much as in the control group). The lowering of the cortisol level minimizes the stress risk-factor threatening the pregnancy, whilst the doubling of the progesterone increases the well-being of mother and child.
- Reduction of the stress hormone cortisol after gynaecological surgery: At the end of the postoperative treatment, which means at the 10th-12th day, the cortisol content in blood was reduced by factor 2,4 (60%), in the control group this factor was 1,7 (41%) compared to the initial level.
- A Regular deep relaxation in patients with a psycho-vegetative syndrome: All patients reported of a regular and very deep relaxation as well as of a redeeming improvement of sleep. They experienced the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® as very comfortable and of strong effectiveness and characterized it as a kind of “healing music”.
- Reducing anxiety during labor in women with an initial inactivity of uterine contractility: The treatment with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® resulted in a significant change of the hormonal situation: the beta-endorphin value dropped by 6.05 units and also ACTH showed a tendency to decrease – the hyperproductive hormone system was calmed and a more balanced state established.
- Reduction of pain during labor in women with an initial inactivity of the uterus. Especially noteworthy is the following situation: although the level of the body’s pain inhibiting hormones decreased, the women did not experience a raise in pain, but on the contrary reported of a clear decrease of pain. This implies that the pain reduction in the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® group may be based on a complex reduction of pain creating tensions in the muscular system during labor – in other words may be based on muscular relaxation and harmonization. And this principle also found its expression in a substantial calming of the fetus during labor (please see corresponding measurements).
- Faster adaptability to the new condition in children with diabetes who received insulin for the first time: 64% of a group of diabetes children adapted more quickly to their new condition than those in the control group.
- Faster insulin process stabilization in children with diabetes: 64% of a group of diabetic children experienced a 2-3-day faster process stabilization than the children in the control group.
- Reducing sleep disorders in diabetes patients: 13 of the patients (81%) reported of a significant reduction of their sleep disorder.
- Reduction of headaches in 81% of a group of female diabetes patients.
- Significant reduction in headaches in 80% of a group of children with diabetes, compared to no appreciable reduction in the control group.
- Faster recovery of pregnant women at risk with a mild form of gestosis (OPH-syndrome): Improvement in fetal heart activity: 20 - 30% faster than in the control group.
The cardiotocogram showed a normalization of the condition of the fetus in 86% of the studies. This was also subjectively confirmed by the mothers-to-be who felt better and better. After only 6 treatments the number of accelerations and the variability of fetal heart beat had improved, documenting an improved function of the fetal-placental system. The treatment in the MRT-Music group could be completed after 12 days, normalization in the control group first occurred after 9-10 days and the entire treatment required 14 days – that is, the recovery of the MRT-Music® group was 14% faster.
- Improvement of sleep in 77% of the pregnant women with a mild form of gestosis (OPH syndrome). Reducing the frequency of sleep disorders from 86% to 7%. In the control group an increase from 50% to 80%.