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Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
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Prof. Dr. med. Konrad Taubert  •  Headache & Migraine
Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® ef­fects a re­duc­tion in anxi­ety and pain (two as­pects which play an es­sen­tial part in the de­vel­op­ment of head­aches).

Nor­mali­za­tion of the body’s own mor­phine oc­curs (a proc­ess which is also of the great­est sig­nifi­cance for head­aches and mi­graine).

Sleep­ing pat­terns nor­mal­ize (a well-rested pa­tient can bet­ter with­stand the stress of eve­ry­day life, than is pos­si­ble af­ter a sleep­less night. This con­sid­era­bly re­duces the grounds for head­aches).

An­ti­oxi­dant proc­esses are ac­ti­vated (this thera­peu­tic prin­ci­ple has long been used in the treat­ment of head­aches, but within the frame­work of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® this oc­curs in a com­pletely risk-free and pleas­ant man­ner).

I also see a great sig­nifi­cance for Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® in the fol­low­ing ar­eas of mi­graine treat­ment:

– pre­ven­tion of hyper-ex­cit­abil­ity
– pre­ven­tion and re­duc­tion
   of mus­cu­lar ten­sion
nor­mali­za­tion of bod­ily dis­rhyth­mia
The many pos­si­ble ef­fects of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® have since be­come the sub­ject of in­ten­sive re­search.

Re­sults in treat­ing vic­tims of the Cher­nobyl ca­tas­tro­phe show that head­aches, above all, can be im­proved with Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® – and this has since been con­firmed by nu­mer­ous pa­tients in Ger­many. This is also par­ticu­larly sup­ported by the re­sults achieved in Kiev by Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov at the Acad­emy of Sci­ences, which I would like to briefly re­port here:

All the signs in­di­cate that, with Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic, we once again have at our dis­posal an an­cient natu­ral method of strength­en­ing the health of mi­graine suf­fer­ers, a method which is not only com­pletely risk-free, but which is also com­pletely un­de­mand­ing and very in­ex­pen­sive. Due to the pleas­ant ef­fects it has on the spirit, psy­che and body, it is keenly used and, as such, rep­re­sents an ideal ho­lis­tic com­ple­ment to eve­ry form of mi­graine treat­ment.

The Application of
Medical Resonance Therapy Music®

As, in most cases, mi­graine is al­ready a chronic ill­ness, the or­gan­ism has long be­come used to func­tion­ing in an un­natu­ral way in those ar­eas re­spon­si­ble for the ill­ness. There­fore, any stimu­lus to­wards res­to­ra­tion of the or­gan­ism’s natu­ral way of func­tion­ing must be car­ried out regu­larly, but with­out any work or effort. That is: you should allow the natu­ral laws of har­mony of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® to work upon your or­gan­ism as often as you are able – un­til you find its nor­mal, healthy way of func­tion­ing re­stored.

The com­poser rec­om­mends that you sit com­forta­bly or lie down and close your eyes to lis­ten to Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic. You should not try to fathom out the mu­sic in­tel­lec­tu­ally, but sim­ply let it take its ef­fect on you.

Ide­ally you should start lis­ten­ing to Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® in the morn­ing: put on the head­phones be­fore you get up and let the mu­sic ac­ti­vate your vi­tal en­er­gies in a gentle and har­monic way.

It is also ad­vis­able to lis­ten to this mu­sic in the rest-break fol­low­ing lunch as part of a di­ges­tive nap. And even if you only have a quar­ter of an hour’s time here, you will be able to do some good, pleas­ant, com­pletely ef­fort­less train­ing of your natu­ral in­ner func­tions.

It has proved par­ticu­larly bene­fi­cial to enjoy Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® in the eve­ning and give your or­gan­ism the op­por­tu­nity of thor­ough re­cov­ery and natu­ral re­gen­era­tion af­ter the ups and downs of the day.

Lis­ten­ing in the eve­ning could be­come part of your daily rou­tine – which is not dif­fi­cult for most peo­ple, since this mu­sic is gen­er­ally found ex­tremely pleas­ant any­way.

It is very sim­ple and very pleas­ant to lis­ten to Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® be­fore going to sleep. When do­ing this, you can also set the player to repeat mode and let the mu­sic gently nurse you into an ex­tremely rest­ful sleep. To wake up in the night and fall back to sleep with the mu­sic has proved to be ex­tremely pleas­ant.

Such phases of sub­stan­tial strength­en­ing dur­ing ones nightly rest are good train­ing for the or­gan­ism to func­tion more har­moni­cally again.

To finish off, an­other piece of ad­vice es­sen­tial for achiev­ing maxi­mum suc­cess with Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®. The com­poser rec­om­mends you lis­ten to the mu­sic on com­pact disc and use head­phones if at all pos­si­ble. CDs ensure that the qual­ity of audio re­pro­duc­tion is ac­cepta­bly high and they are also very du­ra­ble. Head­phones ensure that the lis­tener is iso­lated from po­ten­tial dis­tur­bance from am­bi­ent noise.

Medical Music Preparations on CD
RRR 106 Sleep Disordes
Sleep Disorders


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