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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

Scientists of Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for
Self Awareness

The Future of Pharmaceutics



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

That is why on the other hand, there is not a more suit­able device to cause dam­age in this re­spect with the ac­cord­ing dis­har­mo­ni­ous mu­sic.
I have com­mented on this in de­tail else­where un­der the title “The Bene­fits and Harm of Mu­sic in So­ci­ety”. As I said be­fore­hand, a hu­man be­ing will then be­come ill and fi­nally die if the soul has de­cided to no longer live in this mind and body – if it has de­cided to move out.

I also be­lieve that it is very im­por­tant in this con­text to un­der­stand that any kind of ex­ter­nal help and ma­nipu­la­tion re­gard­ing our health can­not, in the end, be ef­fec­tive – apart from the fact that such ex­ter­nal medi­cal ma­nipu­la­tions are not his­tori­cally proven.

Na­ture̱s ef­fi­cient way is to achieve ab­so­lu­te heal­ing from within. Of course, there have al­ways been ex­perts – and we have also heard some of them at this con­fer­ence – who con­firm my opin­ion, as I have just ex­plained it, by say­ing that health is best achieved through medi­ta­tion or simi­lar things.

But there is also a cer­tain dif­fi­culty with medi­ta­tion – be­cause on the one hand, there are many so-called “medi­ta­tions”, which are only so by name, but not in re­al­ity, and which are there­fore not ef­fec­tive.
And on the other hand, many peo­ple in our so-called “civi­lised world” find it dif­fi­cult to take this easy or bet­ter: plain path.

If you want to pursue me­dia­tion suc­cess­fully, you have to be honest and up­right to­wards your­self and your soul. For in true medi­ta­tion, your own con­sci­ence will tell you very clearly and un­equivo­cally: ”Change this as­pect of your life, and change that as­pect of your life!”

But most peo­ple do not want to change their li­ves. They do ac­tu­ally want to medi­tate, in or­der to draw cer­tain ad­van­tages from it, but: they do not want to change their li­ves!
And eve­ry day then their con­sci­ence knocks at their in­ner door dur­ing medi­ta­tion tell­ing them: “You must change this or that, oth­er­wise your health will suffer – just as if you were not medi­tat­ing!”

Thus, it is not the case that medi­ta­tion alone and auto­mati­cally changes our health com­pletely – of course, it helps in this di­rec­tion –, but it also sup­plies us with in­for­ma­tion through the voice of our con­sci­ence, which tells us: this is worse and this is bet­ter for me.
And if I do not lis­ten to this in­ner voice of my own con­sci­ence, then medi­ta­tion can only help in a lim­ited way.

For this rea­son, even a very re­spect­able medi­ta­tion sys­tem may en­coun­ter dif­fi­cul­ties.

Methamorphoses No. 4
With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
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