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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

Scientists of Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for
Self Awareness

The Future of Pharmaceutics



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

My think­ing and eve­ry­thing I per­ceive is no longer cre­ated else­where – more or less over the top of my head –, but it de­vel­ops here through my in­ner or­gan of speech, through my speak­ing. Here at last I un­der­stand the state­ment from my own ex­peri­ence:
“In the be­gin­ning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. In the be­gin­ning it was with God. Eve­ry­thing was cre­ated through the word, and with­out the word noth­ing was cre­ated what has be­come. In it was life, and this life was the light of man­kind.”
– ac­cord­ing to the state of de­vel­op­ment of aware­ness and/or un­fold­ment of aware­ness.

Of course, it goes with­out say­ing that all this can only be ex­peri­enced af­ter that ab­so­lu­te sound bar­rier of the civi­lised world has been bro­ken: deep sleep.
It is in­ter­est­ing to ex­peri­ence how the in­ner or­gan of speech works, how it cre­ates the au­di­ble, that what is to be tasted, to be smelt or the visi­ble – pre­cisely: those ele­ments that were on vari­ous oc­ca­sions dis­cussed at this con­fer­ence.

Whilst I think in my dream and/or I re­al­ise: oh, I am run­ning around, I see this and that, I hear this and that, I smell one thing and the other, or I taste many things, whilst I go out to eat in my dream – I al­ways re­al­ise: the crea­tor of all this is my in­ner or­gan of speech.

It is in­ter­est­ing that the Bi­ble and other holy scrip­tures say: God spoke and cre­ated – he cre­ated the world through his word.
Af­ter break­ing through the third main state of con­scious­ness – that ab­so­lu­te sound bar­rier of the civi­lised world: deep sleep, we re­al­ise more and more clearly: we cre­ate our en­tire think­ing through speak­ing – noth­ing else. Our speak­ing abil­ity, our or­gan of speech is suf­fi­cient to bring forth our en­tire think­ing: to con­jure it up in our mind in full splen­dour. There is noth­ing we may think that we have not cre­ated inside with our in­ner voice – quite con­trary to our outer voice.

And it looks as if from here we can learn to un­der­stand the origi­nal natu­ral mean­ing of the struc­ture of a sound.

When I per­son­ally ex­peri­ence the struc­ture of a tone and/or a sound or word, then I quite often grasp the origi­nal natu­ral mean­ing of this sound and/or word.
But I am not the only one with this abil­ity, I know oth­ers who are de­vel­op­ing this abil­ity – be­cause nowa­days we can learn such a thing again.

But also in his­tory there have been peo­ple again and again, who, when hear­ing a sound and/or a word, im­me­di­ately knew what it meant: meant origi­nally.
We are not talk­ing about a lan­guage, as we know or assess it to­day. So it is not like Chi­nese or Eng­lish – we are only talk­ing about the struc­ture of a sound, which has its natu­ral origi­nal mean­ing in it­self – such as the body the soul, which we can ex­peri­ence and grasp.

And we can ex­peri­ence and grasp this lan­guage struc­ture with all senses, and proof for this as an arche­typal ex­ample is: our dream.

But fun­da­men­tally, it is no dif­fer­ent in the state of wake­ful­ness. For also in wakeful consciousness our think­ing fol­lows the same cos­mic laws as in our dream con­scious­ness.
The only dif­fer­ence – as far as think­ing as such is con­cerned – is that we are awake and also dream­ing.

But our think­ing proc­ess is the same with re­gard to its mecha­nism.
Na­ture did not have to pro­duce two dif­fer­ent things – but one mecha­nism regu­lates both as­pects of think­ing in the wake­ful con­scious­ness and dream con­scious­ness.

Hymns of the Great Stream No. 4
With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
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