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The American
Institute of Stress

World Health
Organisation (WHO)

Republic of Belarus

Effect of Medical
Therapy Music
on Most Severe
Sleep Disorders

Effect of Medical
Resonance Therapy Music
on Severe Stroke Patients

Medical Resonance
Therapy Music –
Saving Life on the
Intensive Care Ward

Medical Resonance
Therapy Music –
Alleviating Osteoarthritis

Medical Resonance
Therapy Music –
in the Field of Education



For the Release of Psycho-Physiological Manifestations of Stress
Medical Resonance Therapy Music®
in the Field of Education
The scientific application of the harmony laws of the microcosm of music as core of a future-oriented universal education1
Due to its manifold international research results2 the application of the harmony laws of the microcosm of music3, as we find it in Medical Resonance Therapy Music4, lead to a new branch of scientific medicine5.

With this an entire new kind of medicine6 was developed in the pharmaceutical field7 exerting a universal, harmonising influence8, particularly on the neuro-physiology.
The consequence of this then is, next to others, that in regard to blood pressure too high blood pressure9 is reduced and too low blood pressure is raised by the very same harmonical preparation or that for instance in regard to the hormone status10 too low hormone levels are raised and too high hormone levels are reduced – and in each case to the individual standard level. Therefore in very many cases the use of medication can be cut in half by using harmonical preparations.

Thus, with this new branch of scientific medicine, a totally new, future-oriented and in particular: natural pharmaceutical technology11 is at our disposal at the same time – without any harming side effects whatsoever, as we know them from the chemical products.

From this performance of the harmony laws of the microcosm of music in medicine12 verified by diverse scientific measurements13 at many universities and research institutions of the world it was not a long way to education14 anymore and here the scientific application of the harmony laws of nature finds its way into the universities and schools of the world and does not only give them the possibility to investigate and apply these harmony laws in the field of a universal human education but the scientific utilisation of these harmony laws even forms the scientific core of the universal education program of the University of the Future15.

Link list:
  1. Introduction to the University of the Future
  2. Scientific Research
  3. Peter Hübner - Nature’s Laws of Harmony in the Microcosm of Music
  4. Medical Music Preparations on CD
  5. WHO
  6. Peter Hübner - Music as a Harmonic Medical Data Carrier
  7. Peter Hübner - The Future of Pharmaceutics
  8. Peter Hübner - The Significance of the Soul to Medicine
    Peter Hübner - The Significance of Our Consciousness to Medicine
    Peter Hübner - The Significance of the Soul in Human Evolution
  9. Normalization of Hemodynamic Parameters
  10. Prof. Dr. med. A. Reznikov - Harmonic Therapy of Digital Pharmaceutics
    Scientific Research
  11. Peter Hübner - Nature’s Laws of Harmony in the Microcosm of Music
  12. Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko - The Effects of Medical Resonance Therapy Music® on the Unborn Child
  13. Congresses
  14. University of the Future
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