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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

Scientists of Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for
Self Awareness

The Future of Pharmaceutics



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

But origi­nally, na­ture cre­ated us in such a way that these aux­il­iary tools are not nec­es­sary.
It is only be­cause of the bad state we find our­selves in nowa­days in our so-called civi­lised world, that moth­ers know noth­ing from within them­selves of this in­ner state of con­scious­ness of pure alert­ness be­yond think­ing – that they there­fore no longer have a pre­mo­ni­tion of that and how it is natu­rally achiev­able or able to be ex­peri­enced, and that they there­fore are no longer ca­pa­ble of ac­com­pa­ny­ing their chil­dren into this in­ner world of the souḻs natu­ral har­mony with their own pow­ers – be­cause they them­selves had no longer learned it from their moth­ers. There may be many rea­sons why this has come so far that the area of the soul has be­come so in­ac­ces­si­ble to man­kind. Great wise men blame this on the course of time, and hold it re­spon­si­ble for this. Oth­ers at­trib­ute it to the stars, and all sorts of things.
But it is as it is, and we have to learn to live and deal with it: we must pur­pose­fully and sys­tem­ati­cally set about break­ing through the third main state of con­scious­ness: the deep sleep again, and ad­vance be­yond think­ing into the cos­mic climes of our soul, in or­der to there se­cure our natu­ral health au­then­ti­cally and: natu­rally.

A new phe­nome­non may also soon appear in medi­cine: the soul.
In the form of light im­pulses, it con­stantly emits in­for­ma­tion through the self like through a bright sun to our physi­ol­ogy, thereby con­stantly cor­rect­ing this physi­ol­ogy in its func­tions.
All neuro-physio­logi­cal proc­esses are so really con­trolled by our soul in this way – and so it also for in­stance trans­mits in­for­ma­tion to our heart. And if our self no longer ful­fils this im­pulse-set­ting func­tion – then those con­cerned get a car­diac pace-maker.

And if the soul de­cides it no longer wants this body, be­cause it gives the soul too lit­tle natu­ral free­dom of ac­tion as a re­sult of its harm­ful in­flu­ence on natu­ral think­ing, then the soul with­draws its in­ner light im­pulses from the body, and the self, to­gether with the other in­ner in­for­ma­tion car­ri­ers, con­nected to it, such as in­tel­lect, feel­ing, mind and senses with­draw from the in­ner men­tal ac­tion – and that, of course, has con­se­quences for our neuro-physi­ol­ogy.

If the main focus of this with­drawal is for in­stance in the heart, then as a re­sult we have first of all dis­tur­bances of the natu­ral heart rhythm, con­trolled through the self, and fi­nally a heart at­tack.

But the same ap­plies, of course, to all the other or­gans.
Soon we will get elec­tric pace-makers like the ar­ti­fi­cial car­diac pace-maker for more and more or­gans – be­cause all or­gans re­ceive rhyth­mic con­trol im­pulses through the self for proper func­tion­ing.
This whole com­plex en­ergy-im­pulse-sys­tem, which through our self and further through our various in­ner or­gans of knowl­edge and crea­tion, moni­tors the func­tions of all our body or­gans, is steered ho­lis­ti­cally by the soul.

Symphonies of the Great Stream No 2
With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
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