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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

Scientists of Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for
Self Awareness

The Future of Pharmaceutics



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

Present-day neuro-scientists have established in their studies that the functions of our mind and/or our think­ing are con­nected to our neuro-physi­ol­ogy.
And some of them even think that the func­tion of the mind de­pends on the func­tion of neuro-physi­ol­ogy. This is quite true, and their stud­ies are true – as long as they meas­ure peo­ple, who have not bro­ken through that ab­so­lu­te sound bar­rier of our so-called civi­lised world: deep sleep – who there­fore only live in that lim­ited men­tal frame of the first three main states of con­scious­ness be­ing awake, dreaming, deep sleep – or bet­ter: as a re­sult of the con­se­quences aris­ing from the loss of fur­ther states of con­scious­ness, eke out their wretched un­ful­filled ex­is­tence on earth.

By break­ing through this ab­so­lu­te sound bar­rier of deep sleep: by achiev­ing the de­scribed fourth main state of con­scious­ness, where a per­son does not think, but at the same time is wide awake, things change:
At this moment he pene­trates for the first time in his life con­sciously be­yond his think­ing into the cos­mic worlds of his in­ner hu­man abili­ties: he reaches the worlds of his five senses and his mind, his feeling, intellect, self etc., and possibly even that mysterious universal world of his soul – the point where har­mony re­sides.

By regu­larly break­ing fur­ther through that ab­so­lu­te sound bar­rier of our pre­sent civi­lised world: deep sleep – the loss of life con­scious­ness, pow­er­less­ness – he step by step es­tab­lishes the power of his in­ner hu­man forces in his neuro-physi­ol­ogy and in his body, and so very gradually regu­lates his natu­ral in­ner bal­ance of power – in­tended by na­ture.

By form­ing and/or re-struc­tur­ing this natu­ral hi­er­ar­chy of our in­ner hu­man pow­ers, the soul wins back its natu­ral rule, and so the per­son ex­peri­enc­ing and/or the one prac­tis­ing fi­nally car­ries the quali­ties of pure life in his mortal body – with the con­se­quences of com­pre­hen­sive re­gen­era­tion and re­cov­ery.

His in­ner or­gans of knowl­edge and crea­tion very gradu­ally in the end carry out their usual services for the soul and carry from here its natu­ral quali­ties: vi­tal­ity, in­tel­li­gence of life and har­mony of life into all in­ner cos­mic hu­man worlds: into the mind and beyond that the body.

And fi­nally, neuro-sci­en­tists will es­tab­lish in such peo­ple that here con­di­tions are ab­so­lutely the other way round than for all those they have so far meas­ured and ex­am­ined – but who all had in com­mon the fact that they had only de­vel­oped the first three main states of con­scious­ness.

And for all those who have now bro­ken through this afore­men­tioned ab­so­lu­te sound bar­rier of the civi­lised world, and are start­ing to re-struc­ture and/or re-ar­range their whole in­ner cos­mic-uni­ver­sal na­ture from the soul through the in­ner or­gans of knowl­edge and crea­tion to the out­side right to the ex­ter­nal world of neuro-physi­ol­ogy, neuro-physi­olo­gists as­ton­ish­ingly es­tab­lish: that – con­trary to pre­sent theo­ries – the mind rules the body.

Requiem 1st Movement
With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
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