„Health as such is subject to experience“
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  • “However, today’s physician must be aware that the modern patient is increasingly concerned with these practical questions because his growing inner freedom gives rise to his increasingly clear concern regarding his personal health, something that becomes ever more sacred to him with increasing age.

    With more clarity than ever he sees: The world does not need more doctors who brood over an increasing number of diseases; instead, it needs medical personalities who want to leave sickness behind them in earnest and who, driven by their conscience, reflect on:

    How can I help my patients with scientific, credible means to maintain their health by their own power?

    When medical doctors do not concern themselves with health it should be no surprise to us that health gradually degenerates and finally ceases to exist.

    Today’s physician ought not to shy away, like a dependent or someone under age, from the risk of earning less from healthy patients than his colleagues from sick ones: he ought to muster up the courage to make use of his free will and to stand his ground before his own conscience and likewise before his patients who still trust him.

    No human can live without health, but everyone can indeed live without disease.
    In our modern times of high technology when it is possible by scientific means – as many scientific research results prove worldwide – to address matters of health as such in a practical manner, the natural duty for the medical doctor arises to choose this path and follow it.

    Thus the focus here is that the medical doctor learns to authentically recognize within himself what health is and that he learns to support his patients to get this recognition as well and to train them with scientific methodology how to maintain their own health by their own power.

    Therefore I ask myself today in practical terms:
    How many medical doctors are there in the world who, in spite of their hitherto lucrative service to illness, are seriously interested in experiencing health as such in a scientifically founded, authentic manner and eager to work for it?

    This is, no doubt, a completely unusual thought in modern scientific medicine: to make personal acquaintance with health per se, as if getting to know a good friend.

    Health in itself is basically open to experience and no less empirical to man than illness as well – however, this will require special training to increase the capability of perception. This training employs one’s hearing and consciousness under scientific application of the harmony laws of the microcosm of music.
    The idea is not a new one and can be found among all highly advanced civilizations and cultures – most recently with the famous medical doctor of Greek antiquity, Pythagoras, the creator of mathematics and philosophy as well as of musicology and music based on the harmony laws of the microcosm of music who also established science as such with the help of musicology.

    In his famous school in Croton, which we rightfully ought to describe today as a university in the true sense, he, as a practicing musician, used the harmony laws of the microcosm of music to train medical doctors who then shed illness and increasingly focused consciously and specifically on health.

    These days, with the help of modern scientific medicine and its highly sophisticated, objective methods of measuring, we have at our disposal unprecedented opportunities for such an approach, to have people experience health as such and, as a medical doctor, to educate people about their own successful prophylaxis.

    I invite modern day physicians and health professionals to authentically participate in this ancient and new trend and, by taking advantage of the modern technical opportunities of scientific medicine, to help nature succeed in the field of health: through means of subjective and objective verification and utilization of health itself.”

    Thus there will soon be an entirely new and different kind of medical doctor, one who cooperates to ensure that with the help of modern objective and incorruptible science slowly but surely more and more diseases will be eradicated.

    Should you, as medical doctor or health professional, be interested in this idea of a science-based, practical focus on health, please let us know.

    With kind regards

        Team Scientific Music Medicine
                     Health Division of
    International Philharmony Foundation

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