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Grundgesetz der Akademie

The Cosmic
Education Program


Academic Institutes

Peter Hübner
Developer of the University


Faculty of
Theoretical Fundamentals



The Secret Exchange
of Experiences
of the Listener
with the Creative Form
of the Music Creator

The Great Musical

The Father of the
World-Creators in Music

The Technique of
Conveying Truth in Music

The Fires of Cognition
of Music

Step by Step the Social Awareness Awakens
 in the Listener

Knowing Unity in Music



Astronomy of Mind EQ x IQ

Hall of Harmony

International Experts

Educational Program

Scientific Research

International Media

International Congresses


Application to the Academy



The Practical Fundamentals of Universal Cognition
The Fires of Cognition of Music

Eve­ry field of know­ing, eve­ry level of knowl­edge in mu­sic, has its very own char­ac­ter­is­tic fires of cog­ni­tion, and the mu­sic lover passes them in his pro­gress of gain­ing knowl­edge.
As he pro­ceeds, he enjoys their mani­fold warmth, their bril­liant light, and the mul­ti­fari­ous forms and shapes, which the flames of the mu­si­cal con­vey­ance of truth paint into the re­ver­ber­at­ing space in the dark of the night.

The Music Listener’s Shining Road to Knowledge
On higher mu­si­cal lev­els of or­der the cog­ni­tive fires burn with more re­fined flame pat­terns and with a more subtle, more bright, and more pow­er­ful radi­ance.

The Musical Order of the Fires of Cognition
In the field of the mu­si­cal sound-space the fires of knowl­edge burn with the bright­ness of pro­tons, elec­trons, and neu­trons, and they appear as the fire­works of the mu­si­cal mo­lecu­lar struc­tures – an il­lus­tra­tion of na­ture un­enli­vened.

Fireworks of the Musical Atomic Structures
The motif-tech­nique de­scribes the in­di­vid­ual un­fold­ment, and the ex­pres­sion of this de­scrip­tion is the melody.

Individual and Cosmic Paths in Music
Thus, the melody rep­re­sents the very in­di­vid­ual course of life, and when in the po­lyph­ony many melo­dies si­mul­ta­ne­ously un­fold and unite, then it may occur that the lis­tener iden­ti­fies his per­sonal life-path with the vari­ous un­fold­ing mo­tifs be­cause he finds his in­ner po­ten­tial of un­fold­ment de­scribed in them.

As he lis­tens to the mu­sic, he treads in­di­vid­ual paths of un­fold­ment, uni­ver­sal paths maybe, or even cos­mic paths of enlight­en­ment which – with­out the outer stimu­la­tion through the clas­si­cal mu­sic – he would not walk so read­ily from fear of ap­pear­ing insane.

On the level of the mu­si­cal motif-space the fires of cog­ni­tion burn with a bright­ness that char­ac­ter­izes in­di­vid­uals in the proc­ess of their un­fold­ment, and one is re­minded of the radi­ance of a child that is happy about a spe­cial gift, but also of the bright­ness of some­one who just had a deep in­sight.
So, many lights dawn to the lis­tener dur­ing the ac­tions of the mo­tifs, be­cause the light­ing of ever new mu­si­cal fires of cog­ni­tion ac­counts for the radi­ance of the motif move­ments in mu­sic.

The Radiance of the Motif Movements in Music
Hence the melody is the great cir­cle of shin­ing in­sights which mark the stages of enlight­en­ment of the in­di­vid­ual course of life.
In the clas­si­cal works of the great tone poets these fires of cog­ni­tion reach to the height of the mu­si­cal event and into the depth of the mu­si­cal un­der­stand­ing and ex­peri­enc­ing, just as the sun and the moon rise on their orbits and shed their light.

The Shining Stations on the Individual Way in Music
Know­ing the un­fold­ment of the motif into the melody is the knowl­edge of a mu­si­cal path of cog­ni­tion de­signed by the com­poser.
And by iden­tifying his own course of life with the course of a motif, the melody, the lis­tener sets out on the ad­ven­tur­ous jour­ney to mu­si­cal knowl­edge.

Identification of the Individual Life-Path with the Unfoldment of the Motif